Posted on Friday, December 04, 2009

If I sang this loud enough, you would sing it back to me.

So basically, these two albums are currently driving my existence. This post comes complete with download links, a mini-review and my favourite tracks from each album.


Download ---> brand new eyes

I wasn't sure what I'd think of this album when I first heard it because I have loved Paramore's sound since the beginning and I knew this would be a bit of a departure. But, unlike some idiots who can't stand when a band changes their sound and labels them sellouts for it, I can handle change. What I found in this album was more unbelievable lyrics, unbelievable music and unbelievable vocals from Hayley. She's always been a powerhouse, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise, but holy shit, it did. Basically, Paramore are a bunch of kids who shot to superstardom because of one song that MTV and the radio overplayed (and destroyed for me), but for a bunch of kids, they own it like the adults they're growing into. Every one of their albums has moved me in different ways and their first will always be my favourite, but don't pass this up. I'm giving you a download link...take advantage of it!

Favourite Tracks: Playing God, The Only Exception, Looking Up

Their new video for Brick By Boring Brick. I totally recommend watching it, too. It absolutely amazed me; the most unique idea I've seen in a long time.

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Download ---> The Boy Who Knew Too Much

From the second I heard the song "Billy Brown" in 2006, I was hooked on Mika. First of all, the subject of that song cracked me up and the music was totally my style. Poppy with an almost indignant flare, I was completely into it. When his debut album, Life In Cartoon Motion came out, I grabbed it and listened to it almost nonstop for two weeks. It was almost unbearably good. When I heard he was releasing an new album in 2009, I got excited, but I didn't exactly get my hopes up, because at that point, I didn't think anything could top LICM; boy, was I wrong. The Boy Who Knew Too Much I don't even have words for it. It is by far my favourite album of 2009 and I think I fall more in love with it everyday. It's such an easy record to relate to and it's just damn good music. Download it, I'm begging you. You won't hate it, I promise. C'mon. He's a Lebanese bisexual pixie of a boy with the most amazing music that you won't regret listening to. I hope you know how hard it is to pick favourite tracks.

Favourite Tracks: We Are Golden, Blue Eyes, Toy Boy, Dr. John

One of his latest videos, for We Are Golden. This video is basically me in a nutshell; dancing around my room like an idiot to music like this. Watch it, it's lovely! Read More

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